Mikołaj Buchwald

Deprecation warning: This web page is out of date. My current web page is located at: mikolajbuchwald.com.

Adapting macOS

Making macOS more usable in terms of keyboard navigation.

JupyterHub on OpenStack

Creating an instance of a virtual machine on OpenStack that will host JupyterHub server proxied trough an Apache server.

Jupyter Notebook Server

Creating an instance of a virtual machine on OpenStack that will host Jupyter Notebook server proxied trough an Apache server.

Zsh Antigen

Today I was looking for a more efficient way of loading an oh-my-zsh theme – clean (https://github.com/BrandonRoehl/zsh-clean). Until now I had to download the theme and manually install it in appropriate directory. While reading clean’s README, I stumbled upon Zsh Antigen (https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen).

Jupyter for Computational Neuroscience

The first step for creating usable notes and didactics materials is the proper preperation of your tools. Hence, the basics of setting up the Jupyter Notebook server in a python virtual environment with pipenv will be described here.